Firethorn Metailic 36
NOTE: all results were taken from original issues of the Cosworth Vega Magazine, the official publication of the CVOA, Inc. When available, the car’s sequential build (dash number) is listed next to the owner’s name.
Scoring systems varied greatly from year to year until a standardized system was adopted by the CVOA in 1997. Scores are stated, if available, in a percentage of the maximum possible score. 100% is a perfect score. The listed scores will be helpful in gauging the competition from year to year. Race cars, cars that were either Cosworths without the correct engine or other cars, such as Vegas or Astres with Cosworth Vega engines, when known, are not included in these results.
Additional information is given, such as results in other Roundup events, in order to highlight those cars that were driven-to and participated in other events during the Roundup, therefore, they were not “trailer queens”. It is customary in other marque clubs to award additional points, based upon one-way mileage, to cars driven to their meets and often the results of a driving event are used to break ties in concours judging. It is hoped that CVOA will adopt this practice at some future date.
CVOA National Roundup 45 Cookeville, TN 2024 National Concours Event
CV Stock Class
1st place- CV #2994 Ken Ferrari
2nd Place- CV #2064 Bob Marks
3rd Place- CV #0958 Dean Farmer
4th Place- CV #3054 Zack Straits
5th Place- CV #3387 Mark Rock
6th Place- CV #0249 David McGill
CV Modified Class
1st Place- CV #3493 Cathie Dempsey
2nd Place- CV #3434 Ron Orbin
3rd Place – CV #0576 Ken Ray
4th Place- CV #0046 Shawn Parsons
5th Place- CV #0233 Kyle Pezold
6th Place -CV #0742 Ken Rock
7th Place- CV #0727 Paul White
CV Custom Class
1st Place- CV #0756 Byron Burnham
2nd Place- CV #0755 Tim Seman
3rd Place- CV #3177 Craig Fetter
4th Place- CV #1000 John J. Cowall
H-Body Stock Class
1st Place- 75’ Monza Town Coupe Jack Hovick
2nd Place- 72’ Vega Wagon Dick Bradach
3rd Place- 80’ Monza Dan Hortsman
4th Place- 78’ Monza Bill Lynch
5th Place- 80’ Sunbird Kevin Singleton
H-Body Modified Class
1st Place- 78’ Sunbird Brad Stone
2nd Place- 75’ Monza John Tabb
3rd Place- 76’ Astre Jerry Boger
Cosworth Vega Roundup 44 2023 Syracuse NY CVOA National Concours Event Results
STOCK CV Class (Restored/ Unrestored) 200 possible points
1 CV #0219 – 96% - 192 points Tom Yanacek (unrestored)
2 CV #2909 – 88% - 176 points John Bradley (restored)
3 CV #3434 – 83% - 166 points Ron Orbin (unrestored)
4 CV #0145 – 66.5% - 133 points John Bradley (unrestored)
MODIFIED CV Class (Restored/ Unrestored)
1 CV #0334 – 90.5% - 181 points Bob Black (restored)
2 CV #3273 – 83.5% - 167 points Richard Long (restored)
3 CV #0314 – 63.5% - 127 points Ed Seiter (unrestored) (not registered for Roundup)
Custom CV Class (Restored/ Unrestored)
1 CV #3136 – 86.5% - 173 points John J. Cowall (restored)
2 CV #0259 – 80.5% - 161 points Ken Rock (unrestored)
H-Body Stock Class (Restored/ Unrestored)
1 Red Vega Wagon – 82.5% - 165 points Dick Bradach (restored)
H-Body Modified Class (Restored/ Unrestored)
1 Vega 444 – 84.5% - 169 points Mark Nizer (restored)
CVOA Heritage Gold Award
CV #2994 – 97.75% Owner Ken Ferrari
2022- Roundup 43 - Phoenix, AZ Nov 18-20, 2022
200 point system. Keep in mind there are 10 bonus points for
“Documentation” (therefore, some scores ended up over 200).
CV Stock
1st Place Jose Garcia #0735 192.5 pts
2nd Place Tim Morgan #3062 182.5 pts
3rd Place Cliff Westerlin #2911 175.5 pts
4th Place Bryan Pridmore #2796 172.5 pts
CV Modified
1st Place Kelly mcKendrick #0735 173 pts
2nd Place Jim Riggs #2607 147 pts
H-Body/CV V8
1st Place Cliff Pemberton #0818 184 pts (V-8 powered Cosworth Vega)
Judges “Best of Roundup” Cliff Pemberton #0818
2021 - Roundup 42 - Green Bay, WS July 8-11, 2021
200 point system. Keep in mind there are 10 bonus points for
“Documentation” (therefore, some scores ended up over 200).
Class #1- Stock Cosworth Vega
David Dempsey CV#2995 206
Jim Pittelko CV#0060 186
Larry Collins CV#2078 167
David Bloch CV#3078 157
Tim Morgan CV#3087 138
Mark Rock CV#3387 121
Class #2- Modified Cosworth Vega
Tim Seman CV#0755 205
Class #3- Custom Cosworth Vega
Jack Hovick CV#1977 201
Jay Hovick “Monza S Cosworth engine” 150
John Cowal CV#0803 136
Class #4- H-Body Stock
no entries
Class#5- H-Body Modified
Byron Burnham “Race-car” 198
2020 – Roundup 41 – Kansas City, KS July 16-19, 2020
Unrestored Stock Class
1st: CV #2064- 89.5 Points (Robert Marks)
2nd: CV #3448- 81 Points (David Bloch)
Custom Class
1st: CV #3170- 74.5 Points (Mike Carr)
2nd: CV #0803- 67 Points (John F Cowall)
3rd: CV#0002- not judged (Jay Hovick)
Unlimited Class
1st: CV #0756- 95 Points (Byron Burnham)
2nd: CV #3360- 69 Points (Tim Morgan)
No Speed Competition Event
2019 – Roundup 40 – Leesburg, Va July 25-28, 2019
Results were taken from page 13 of the October 2019 issue of the “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored Stock Class
1st: CV #2064- 98 Points (Robert Marks)
2nd: CV #3042- 89 Points (Dan Rock)
3rd: CV #2909- 73 Points (John Bradley)
4th: CV #3387- 66 Points (Mark Rock
Restored Stock Class
1st: CV #2808- 94 Points (Frederick Seoane)
2nd: CV #3273- 71 Points (Richard Long)
Unrestored and Restored Modified Class
1st: CV #2995- 100 Points (David Dempsey)
2nd: CV #3434- 76 Points (Ron Orbin)
3rd: CV #0334- 75 Points (Bob Black)
4th: CV #0046- 71 Points (Shawn Parsons)
Custom and Unlimited Class
1st: CV #0755- 98 Points (Tim Seman)
2nd: Monza Spyder- 83 Points (Bill Lynch)
3rd: 71’ Red Vega Wagon- 83 Points Dick Bradach)
4th: CV #0259- 70 Points (Ken Rock)
5th: CV #1000- 69 Points (John J. Cowall)
6th: CV #0803- 68 Points (John F. Cowall)
Roundup Rallye Results
1st Place, The Morgans
2nd Place, The Orbins
3rd Place, , The Parsons
2018 – Roundup 39 – Lincoln, Nebraska July 13-15, 2018
Results were taken from page 16 of the September 2018 issue of the “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored Stock Class
No Entries
Restored Stock Class
1st: Byron Burnham CV #1044- 98pts.
Unrestored Modified Class
1st: Larry Collins CV #2078 – 90 pts.
Restored Modified Class
No Entries
1st: John F. Cowall CV #0803 – 82 pts.
1st: Jay Hovick Stock 76’ Green Vega – 98 pts.
2nd: Byron Burnham CV #0756 Racecar -97 pts.
3rd: Dick Baumhauer, CV #3136 Clone- 85 pts.
4th: Tim Morgan, CV #3360 Wagon Clone- 82 pts.
Not Judged
- Jack Hovick, CV #1930 (Custom Class)
- Jim Pittelko, CV #0060 (Unrestored Stock Class, Car was judged on Heritage Award)
- Robert Marks, CV #2064 (Unrestored Stock Class, Car was judged on Heritage Award)
- Tony Hansen, CV #0002 Maloy Recreation (Custom Class)
- Chuck Larsen, 72’ V-8 Blue Vega
- Jack Hovick, Chevy Luv Truck!
2017 – Roundup 38 – Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania June 22-25, 2017
Results were taken from page 13 of the September 2017 issue of the “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored Stock Class
1st: Dale Malin #0123 – 80.0 pts.
Restored Stock Class
No Entries
Unrestored Modified Class
1st: Ron Orbin #3434 – 80.0 pts.
Restored Modified Class
1st: David Dempsey #2995 - 98.0 pts.
2nd: Greg Gibson #0900 – 77.0 pts. (awarded Longest-Towed CV)
3rd: Shawn Parsons #0046 – 73.0 pts.
4th: Richard Long #3273 – 70.0 pts.
2016 – Roundup 37 – Green Bay, Wisconsin July 14-17, 2016
Results were taken from page 6 of the September 2016 issue of the “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored Stock Class
1st: Dale Malin #0123 – 89.0 pts. (also took 2nd Autocross-Modified)
2nd: John J. Cowall #3090 – 85.0 pts.
3rd: Tim Foy #2656 – 70.0 pts. (also took 1st Autocross-Stock)
4th: Larry Collins #2078 – 64.0 pts.
Unrestored Modified Class
1st: Anna Malin #1102 – 51.0 pts.
Restored Stock Class
1st: Steve Mayefsky #1951 – 95.0 pts.
Restored Modified Class
1st: Jim Heslop #0079 – 80 pts.
Custom Class
1st: Tim Seman #0755 – 100 pts. (also took 4th Autocross-Modified)
2nd: Joe Lathrop #2196 – 74.0 pts.
2015 – Roundup 36 – Livermore, California July 31-August 2, 2015
Results were taken from page 10 of the October 2015 issue of the “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored Stock Class
1st: Steve Kerr #1496 – 92.0 pts.
2nd: Bryan Pridmore #2796 – 62.0 pts.
Restored Stock Class
1st: Barry Connally #2843 – 104 pts.
2nd: Cliff Westerlin #2911 – 82.0 pts.
Unrestored Modified Class
No Entries
Restored Modified Class
1st: Byron Burnham #1044 – 79.0 pts.
2nd: Shawn Parsons #0046 – 76.0 pts.
Custom Class
1st: Jim Rigg #2607 – 73.0 pts.
2014 – Roundup 35 – San Antonio, Texas June 26-30, 2014
Results were taken from page 14 of the October 2014 issue of “Cosworth Vega National Magazine”
Unrestored Stock Class
No Entries
Restored Stock Class
1st: Barry Connally #2843 – 94.0 pts.
2nd: Cliff Westerling #2911 – 75.0 pts.
Modified Restored Class
1st: Clark Kirby #0078 – 97.0 pts.
Custom Class
1st: Tim Seman #0755 – 97.0 pts.
2nd: Fred Blomquist #1959 - 52.0 pts.
2013 – Roundup 34 – Green Bay, Wisconsin July 19-21, 2013
Results were taken from page 9 of the Dec. 2013 issue of “Cosworth Vega National Magazine”
Unrestored Stock Class
1st: Dale Malin #0123 - 87.0 pts. (also took 3rd Autocross-Competition)
2nd: Tim Foy #2656 - 76.0 pts.
3rd: Mark Rock #3387 - 71.0 pts. (also took 1st Autocross-Stock)
Restored Stock Class
1st: David Dempsey #2995 - 98.5 pts.
2nd: Joe Lathrop #2196 – 77.0 pts.
3rd: John J. Cowall #1000 – 73.0 pts. (also took 1st Autocross-Competition)
4th: John F. Cowall #0803 – 69.0 pts. (also took 2nd Autocross-Competition)
Restored Modified Class
1st: Gregg Gibson #0900 – 87.5 pts.
2nd: Shawn Parsons #0046 – 85.0 pts.
3rd: Wally Van Vyve #0232 – 81.5 pts. (also took 5th Autocross-Competition)
2012 – Roundup 33 – Greenville, South Carolina June 21-24, 2012
Results, in an unusual photo format with no numerical scores, were taken from page 12 of the 1st Qtr. 2012 “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored Stock Class
1st: Paul Chicky
2nd: Bob Marks
3rd: Tim Foy
Restored Modified Class
1st: Karol & Tim Seman
2nd: Greg Gibson
3rd: Shawn Parsons
2011 – Roundup 32 - Carlisle (Mechanicsburg), Pennsylvania June 24-26, 2011
Concours results, in an unusual photo format with no numerical scores, were taken from pages 15-18 of the 2nd Qtr. 2011 “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Note: This Roundup was unusual in that twelve of the world’s-best CVs were Carlisle Invitational Cars, displayed for the weekend in Building “T”. Therefore, these twelve cars were not judged and therefore, did not compete for CVOA concours awards.
List of Owners of Carlisle’s All-GM Nationals “Invitational Display” Cosworth Vegas with Dash Numbers
Dick Baumhauer
Paul Chicky-CV#2993
David Dempsey-CV#2995
Tod Erickson-CV#3173
Clark Kirby - #0078
Joe Lathrop - #2196
Bob Marks - #2064
Steve Mayefski-CV#1951
Jack Middleton- N/A
The Mulders-N/A
Jerry Smith-CV#3241
Wally VanVyne-CV#0232 (also took Kid’s Choice Award)
Unrestored Stock Class
Winner: Tom Yanacek (also took Celebrity Choice)
Award of Excellence: Mark Rock
Restored Class
Winner: Cathie Dempsey
Award of Excellence: Shawn Parsons
Restored-Modified Class
Winner: Greg Gibson
Award of Excellence: Tom Keenan
Custom Class
Winner: Tim & Karol Seman – CV#0755
Award of Excellence: Mal Kooiman (also took 2nd Autocross, class N/A)
2010 – Roundup 31 - Denver (Northglenn), Colorado August 6-8, 2010
Results taken from page 12 of the 3rd Qtr. 2010 issue of the “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored Class
1st: Robert Marks-CV#2064 (99.3%)
Restored Class
1st: Cliff Westerlin-CV#2911 (78.8%)
Restored-Modified Class
1st: Clark Kirby-CV#0078 (100%+)
2nd: Tim Arguelles-CV#0825 (95.5%)
3rd: Chuck Larsen-CV#2967 (75.3%)
4th: Tom Hutton-CV#0209 (66.8%)
Custom Class
1st: Joe Lathrop-CV#2196 (89.3%)
2nd: Mark Bruellman-CV#2080 (86.3%)
3rd: Dick Baumhauer-CV#1311 (85.8%)
2009 – Roundup 30 - Green Bay, Wisconsin July 17-19, 2009
Results taken from pages 20-21 of the “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored Stock Class
1st: Paul Chicky-CV#2993 (100%+)
2nd: Dale Malin-CV#0123 (95.3%)
3rd: Mal & Hyla Kooiman-CV#0612 (90.5%) Mal took 2nd Autocross-Competition & Hyla took 4th Autocross-
Competition Ladies
4th: Mark Rock-CV#3387 (90.3%) also took 1st Autocross-Modified
5th: Ray Fabel-CV#0749 (87.3%)
6th: Tim Foy-CV#2656 (86.3%) also took 1st Autocross-Stock
Restored Stock Class
1st: Steve Mayefski-CV#1951 (100%+)
2nd: At Treta-CV#1105 (96.5%) also took 2nd Autocross-Stock
3rd: Steve Larsen-CV#2967 (79.3%) Chuck took 4th Autocross-Modified & Teresa took 1st Autocross-
Unlimited Ladies
Restored Modified Class
1st: Greg Gibson-CV#0900 (96.5%) also took 2nd Autocross-Modified
2nd: Shawn & Shawna Parsons-CV#0046 (93.5%) Shawn took 8th Autocross-Competition & Shawna took 5th Autocross-Competition Ladies
Custom Class
1st: Joe & Rachael Lathrop-CV#2196 (97.0%) Joe took 4th Autocross-Competition & Rachael took 2nd Autocross-Competition Ladies
2nd: J, J. Cowall-CV#1000 (95.0%) also took 3rd Autocross-Competition
3rd: John Cowall-CV#0803 (89.0%) also took 1st Autocross-Competition
4th: Fred & Denise Blomquist-CV#1959 (84.8%) Fred took 7th Autocross-Competition & Denise took 1st Autocross-Competition Ladies
2008 – Roundup 29 - Detroit, Michigan June 20-22, 2008
Results taken from pages 11-12 of the 1st Qtr. 2009 “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored-Stock Class
1st: Dale Malin-CV#0123 (93.5%)
2nd: Mark Rock-CV#3387 (84.0%) also took 3rd Autocross-Modified & 2nd Road Rally
3rd: Mal & Hyla Kooiman-CV#0612 (83.8%) Mal took 1st Autocross-Competition & Hyla took 2nd Autocross-Stock Ladies
4th: Chris King-CV#1103 (78.0%) also took 2nd Autocross-Stock
Restored-Stock Class
1st: David Dempsey-CV#2995 (100%)
Restored-Modified Class
1st: Greg Gibson-CV#0900 (88.8%) also took 5th Autocross-Modified
2nd: Chuck & Teresa Larsen-CV#2967 (64.8%) also took 4th Road Rally, Chuck took 1st Autocross-Stock, & Teresa took 1st Autocross-Stock Ladies
Custom Class
1st: Bill & Chuck Stroud-CV#0776 (89.0%)
2nd: J. J. Cowall-CV#1000 (88.8%) Steve Mayefski took 6th Autocross-Modified & Kathy Cowall took 3rd Autocross-
Competition Ladies
3rd: Joe & Rachael Lathrop-CV#2196 (88.3%) also took 3rd Road Rally, Joe took 4th Autocross-Competition & Rachael took 1st Autocross-Competition Ladies
4th: John Cowall-CV#0803 (85.8%)
5th: Ken Rock-CV#0259 (75.8%) also took 2nd Autocross-Modified
6th: Fred & Denise Blomquist-CV#1959 (69.3%) Fred took 7th Autocross-Modified & Denise took 2nd Autocross- Competition Ladies
2007 – Roundup 28 - Deltona, Florida June 22-24, 2007
Results taken from pages 10-13 of the 2nd/3rd Qtr. 2007 “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored-Stock Class
1st: Dave Wilbur-CV#3086 (90.3%)
2nd: Brian Wetrich-CV#1620 (81.0%)
3rd: Mark Rock-CV#3387 (80.5%) also took 5th Autocross-Modified
4th: Dan Isaacs-CV#2909 (70.0%) also took 3rd Autocross-Stock
Unrestored-Modified Class
1st: Dan Newman-CV#3089 (83.3%)
Restored-Stock Class
1st: Buford McCoy-CV#1385 (90.3%) also took 2nd Autocross-Stock
Restored-Modified Class
1st: Greg Gibson-CV#0900 (96.0%) also took 6th Autocross-Modified
2nd: Jerry Smith-CV#3241 (87.8%) also took 7th Autocross-Modified
3rd: Shawn Parsons-CV#0046 (86.8%) also took 2nd Autocross-Competition
4th: Todd Quinn-CV#3460 (79.8%) also took 1st Autocross-Stock
Custom Class
1st: John Cowall-CV#0803 (90.3%) also took 1st Autocross-Modified & Fastest Time of Day (FTD)
2nd: Victor Dillon-CV#2543 (83.8%)
2006 – Roundup 27 - Canton, Ohio June 23-25, 2006
Results taken from pages 6 & 8 of the 3rd/4th Qtr. 2006 “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Stock Unrestored Class
1st: Brian Wetrich-CV#1620 (92.8%) also took 2nd Autocross-Stock
2nd: Mal & Hyla Kooiman-CV#0612 (90.3%) Mal took 1st Autocross-Stock & Hyla took 1st Autocross-Stock Ladies
3rd: Mark Rock-CV#3387 (88.5%) also took 4th Autocross-Modified
4th: R. Fabel-CV#0749 (84.3%)
5th: Tim Foy-CV#2656 (82.8%) also took 6th Autocross-Modified
Stock Restored Class
1st: David Dempsey-CV#2995 (97.3%)
2nd: Steve Mayefski-CV#1951 (96.8%)
3rd: Jim Ruby-CV#2482 (96.7%) also took “Farthest Driven Cosworth” Award
4th: Cathie Dempsey-CV#1781 (94.3%)
5th: Art Treta-CV#1105 (93.5%) also took 3rd Autocross-Stock
6th: Bob Ralphs-CV#1514 (90.8%)
Modified Restored Class
1st: J. J. Cowall-CV#3024 (71.0%)
Custom Class
1st: Ken Rock-CV#0259 (96.0%) also took 4th Autocross-Competition
2nd: Joe & Rachael Lathrop-CV#2196 (94.3%) Joe took 8th Autocross-Modified & Rachael took 1st Autocross-Modified Ladies
3rd: John & Kathy Cowall-CV#1000 (91.0%) Kathy took 3rd Autocross-Modified Ladies
4th: J. Stroud-CV#0776 (86.0%)
5th: Roy & Linda Linenberger-CV#2393 (81.8%) Roy took 1st Autocross-Modified & Linda took 2nd Autocross-Modified Ladies
2005 – Roundup 26 - Milwaukee (Brookfield), Wisconsin July 29-31, 2005
No Results published in “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
2004 – Roundup25 - La Palma, California June 25-27, 2004
Results taken from page 9 of the Fall 2004 “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Note: no autocross was held at the 2004 CVOA Roundup (the other competitive events consisted of a dynamometer engine-performance test and a “Speed Zone” go-cart type competition)
Unrestored-Stock Class
1st: George Harrington-CV#1773 (89.0%)
Restored-Stock Class
1st: Chris Wheaton-CV#1044 (76.0%)
Restored-Modified Class
1st: Jim Rigg-CV#2607 (85.5%)
Unrestored-Modified Class
1st: Duke Williams-CV#2110 (98.3%)
2nd: Craig Schmitz-CV#2094 (88.8%)
3rd: Will Harrington-CV#3025 (79.3%)
Custom Class
1st: Chris Wheaton-CV#1977 (98.8%)
2nd: Todd Oda-CV#2389 (97.8%)
3rd: Bob Small-CV#2455 (90.0%)
4th: Mark Schwartz-CV#1931 (91.5%)
5th: Chris Wheaton-CV#2301 (90.5%)
6th: Jake Lippert-CV#0686 (90.0%)
7th: Fred Blomquist-CV#1959 (85.3%)
2003 – Roundup 24 - Austin, Texas June 27-29, 2003
Results taken from pages 12-13 of the 2nd Qtr. 2003 “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored-Stock Class
1st: Sue Morgan-CV#3466 (99.0%)
2nd: Dan Newman-CV#3089 (96.3%)
3rd: Brian Wetrich-CV#1620 (95.5%) also took 1st Autocross-Stock
4th: Mark Rock-CV#3387 (94.0%) also took 3rd Autocross-Stock & “Farthest Driven Cosworth” Award (1,593 miles 1-way)
5th: Dan Isaacs-CV#2909 (92.3%) also took 7th Autocross-Stock
Unrestored-Modified Class
No Entries
Restored-Stock Class
1st: Steve Mayefski-CV#1951 (98.3%)
2nd: Clark Kirby-CV#0078 (95.3%) also took 6th Autocross-Stock
3rd: Shawn Parsons-CV#2100 (84.8%) also took 2nd Autocross-Competition
4th: Steven Bracewell-CV#0716 (84.8%) also took 5th Autocross-Stock
Restored-Modified Class
1st: Tim Morgan-CV#3275 (84.1%) also took 4th Autocross-Modified
2nd: David Barnes-CV#1203 (70.8%) also took 8th Autocross-Modified
3rd: Roy & Linda Linenberger-CV#2393 (64.0%) Roy took 3rd Autocross-Modified & Linda took 2nd Autocross-Ladies
4th: Fred & Dee Blomquist-CV#1959 (62.5%) Fred took 5th Autocross-Modified & Dee took 3rd Autocross-Ladies
Custom Class
1st: John Cowall-CV#3136 (82.0%) also took 1st Autocross-Unlimited & Fastest Time of Day (FTD)
2002 – Roundup 23 - Watkins Glen, New York July 26-28, 2002
Results taken from pages 16-17 of the 3rd/ 4th Qtrs. issue of the “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored-Stock Class
1st: Tom Lippert-CV#3449 (96.8%) also took 4th Autocross-Stock
2nd: Ron Orbin-CV#3434 (93.8%)
3rd: Mark Rock-CV#3387 (90.8%) also took 1st Autocross-Stock
4th: Brian Wetrich-CV#1620 (85.5%) also took 2nd Autocross-Stock
5th: Brad Stone-CV#1199 (82.5%) also took 3rd Autocross-Stock
6th: Robert Black-CV#? (73.5%)
7th: Brian Pecenco-CV#0953 (58.5%)
Unrestored-Modified Class
1st: Tim Foy-CV#2656 (85.8%) also took 2nd Autocross-Modified
Restored-Stock Class
1st: Steve Mayefski-CV#1951 (92.0%) also took 5th Autocross-Modified
2nd: James Ruby-CV#2482 (91.8%)
3rd: Keith -CV#0334 (87.8%)
4th: Eleanor Clevenstine-CV#1609 (76.5%)
5th: Mike Rupert-CV#3324 (75.5%)
6th: Brad Fyfe-CV#1087 (61.0%)
Restored-Modified Class
1st: David Dempsey-CV#2995 (96.5%)
2nd: Gerry Cross-CV#2551 (95.0%)
3rd: Greg Gibson-CV#0900 (91.0%) also took 4th Autocross-Modified
4th: Jim Blunden-CV#1953 (85.5%)
5th: Dean Farmer-CV#0958 (84.8%)
Custom Class
1st: Lou Marr-CV#1000 (87.5%) Lou Marr, Jr. took 3rd Autocross-Modified & Lou Marr, Sr. took 7th Autocross-Modified
2nd: Jack Middleton-CV#0331 (81.3%)
3rd: Dan Rock-CV#0259 (73.8%) also took 2nd Autocross-Competition
4th: J. J. Cowall-CV#0803 (72.5%) also took 2nd Autocross-Unlimited
5th: Jim Reardon-CV#2364 (70.0%) also took 1st Autocross-Competition
6th: David Renaud-CV#0980 (56.3%) also too 6th Autocross-Modified
2001 – Roundup 22 - Louisville, Kentucky July 27-29, 2001
Results taken from pages 6 & 8-9 of the 3rd Qtr. 2001 issue of the “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored-Stock Class
1st: Lance Nelson-CV#0052 (94.5%) also took 9th Autocross-Stock
2nd: Brian Wetrich-CV#1620 (92.5%) also took 5th Autocross-Stock
3rd: Brad Stone-CV#1199 (% n/a) also took 4th Autocross-Stock
4th: Ray Fabel-CV#0749 (% n/a)
5th: Mark Rock-CV#3387 (72.5%) also took 3rd Autocross-Stock
Unrestored-Modified Class
1st: Tim Foy-CV#2656 (83.5%) also took 3rd Autocross-Modified
2nd: Patrick Watt-CV#0320 (80.8%) also took 8th Autocross-Stock
Restored-Stock Class
1st: Steve Mayefski-CV#1951 (97.8%)
2nd: Art Treta-CV#1105 (97.0%) also took 1st People’s Choice Award
3rd: Lance & Jodee Nelson-CV#2206 (96.8%) took “Best ’76 Cosworth” Award; Lance also took 9th Autcross-Stock & Jodee took 2nd Autocross-Ladies
4th: Mike Rupert-CV#3324 (94.0%) also took “Farthest Driven Cosworth” Award
5th: Shawn Parsons-CV#2100 (91.0%) also took 4th Autocross-Modified
6th: Greg Gibson-CV#0900 (? %) Greg also took 7th Autocross-Stock & Arnie took 1st Autocross-Ladies
Restored-Modified Class
1st: Dean Howlett-CV#1636 (86.8%) also took 3rd Autocross-Competition
2nd: Joe Lathrop-CV#2196 (86.3%)
3rd: Phil Rust-CV#1057 (85.0%)
Custom Class
1st: Lou & Harriett Marr-CV#1000 (92.5%) Lou also took 6th Autocross-Modified
2nd: Ken Rock-CV#0259 (91.3%) also took 2nd Autocross-Competition
3rd: John Cowall-CV#0803 (90.0%) also took 1st Autocross-Modified
4th: Chris Long-CV#0754 (89.9%) also took 6th Autocross-Stock & 2nd People’s Choice Award
5th: Doug Wallingford-CV#1020 (88.8%) also took 4th Autocross-Competition
6th: Jim Reardon-CV#2364 (87.5%) also took 6th Autocross-Competition
7th: J. J. Cowall-CV#0880 (85.0%) also took 2nd Autocross-Modified
8th: Bruce Jahnke-CV#1780 (84.9%) also took 10th Autocross-Stock
9th: Mike Avery-CV#0507 (83.8%)
2000 – Roundup 21 - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 22-25, 2000
Results taken from pages 6-7 of the 3rd Qtr. 2000 issue of the “Cosworth Vega Magazine”
Unrestored-Stock Class
1st: Dick Baumhauer-CV#3466 (100%)
2nd: Dale Malin-CV#0123 (96.5%)
3rd: Jim Pittelko-CV#0060 (95.5%)
4th: Ray Fabel-CV#0749 (89.0%)
5th: Cathie Dempsey-CV#1781 (88.0%)
6th: Mark Rock-CV#3387 (85.5%) also took 1st Autocross-Stock
Unrestored-Modified Class
1st: Tim Foy-CV#2656 (89.5%) also took 6th Autocross-Modified
Restored-Stock Class
1st: Art Treta-CV#1105 (96.8%)
2nd: Jim Mulder-CV#1265 (96.3%) also took 4th Autocross-Stock
3rd: Mal & Hyla Kooiman-CV#0612 (92.8%) Mal took 1st Autocross-Competition & Fastest Time of Day (FTD) & Hyla took 2nd Autocross-Ladies
4th: Joe Phillips-CV#0935 (75.3%) also took 3rd Autocross-Stock
Restored-Modified Class
1st: David Dempsey-CV#2995 (98.8%)
2nd: Joe Lathrop-CV#2196 (76.3%)
Custom Class
1st: Lou & Harriett Marr-CV#1000 (95.5%) Lou also took 9th Autocross-Modified
2nd: Mark Rock-CV#0259 (88.3%) Sons: Ken took 3rd & Dan took 4th Autocross-Competition
3rd: Bill Evans-CV#0304 (82.5%)
4th: John Cowall-CV#0803 (80.8%)
5th: Bruce Jahnke-CV#1894 (78.3%)