Firethorn Metailic 36

Message From The President - John J. Cowall

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen from around the world! (and yes, I mean the world! At this time there at least 10 or more Cosworth Vegas and even more Cosworth Vega Enthusiasts around the Globe, not in the United States!)
I welcome you to check out the Organization that is the CVOA. We are group of people dedicated to the preservation of one of Chevrolet's technologically advanced and one of their more forward thinking projects in the history of General Motors. This automobile has more firsts and design concepts for Chevrolet when it was introduced than many cars the company introduced over its 100 year history! This car, the Cosworth Vega, was an idea of John Delorean. Unfortunately, the car did not get to live up to the original ideal of John Delorean, but it did accomplish many firsts for GM in design and technology. The multiport fuel injection, the partnership with Cosworth of England, the Cast Aluminum rims, standard, the Black and Gold paint and stripe scheme are all identifying markers of the Cosworth Vega. These cars, the Cosworth Vega, have a tremendous history inside the Car World. And we, the CVOA, have preserved that history for the world to see.
My personal Journey with the Cosworth Vega began when I was born. Yes, I was brought home from the hospital in CV #0803, the car was only 8 or 9 months old, and I was only a few days old! I have grown up in and around the CVOA and the Cosworth Vega my entire life. Since I was 15, I have owned at least one Cosworth Vega, and sometimes have had as many at 5 to my name!
I have used Cosworth Vegas as my main daily transportation for over 20 years, from 1994 to 2006. I have owned, personally, at least 10, maybe more, Cosworths over my life. In conjunction with my father, at last count, I believe the two of us have owned at least 22 Cosworths! My father has been a friend, mentor, and cheerleader for my life with the Cosworth Vega. I have autocrossed, competed in Concours, and done some light rallying in the Cosworth Vega. I have modified, I have restored, and I have parted out Cosworth Vegas. And, I have not done it alone. My path with the CVOA and the Cosworth Vega has been a true community effort. Many of the Titans of the Cosworth World have helped me to achieve what I know today. I have been to numerous CVOA National Roundups and Regional Roundups throughout the country. I have won Awards in the CVOA and been in last place in other events with my Cosworth Vegas.
In closing, I love these cars, and the people associated with them. I have had tremendous opportunites to meet and see exciting things in the Car World because of my affinity for the Cosworth Vega. I encourage you to join our Group, and see the passion, drive, and commitment of the members of the CVOA as we strive to be the ultimate authority on the Cosworth Vega, and to educate the Car World about our Special Vehicles!
Thank You,
John J. Cowall CV #1000 Proud Owner!